Last Sunday, 31st May 2009 was my mother's birthday...May Allah bless her with a good life ahead...insyaAllah...We also celebrated mother's day too (dah terlepas dari tarikh tapi nak celebrate ibu, mmg tak perlu mengira masa dan waktu...)...
I had ordered a gorgeous cake from Kak Jun Cupcakekasih...Thanks so much Kak Jun...:-)...Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache spread in the middle...topped with white roses and green leaves beautifully crafted from buttercream as well...I can't deny that Kak Jun is very talented...Mom was super happy...same goes to my siblings...hehehe....The cake was so delicious...wuwu...I'll definitely order from Kak Jun again...insyaAllah...:-)....

I'm waiting for Kak Jun to upload the cake pics in her blog...sbb lagi cantik dia guna kamera canggih...hehe...:-)...
Mom got a few pressies from her daughters and son...Me and hubby gave her something special...hehe...Ecah sent a bouquet of red roses which she ordered online...dia kan jauh...hehe...I believe that mom was so happy when she received the flowers...
Again, Happy Birthday Mom!!!
a very nice kek pn yaya...kompem ur mom happy...tats one of the way to make her happy..selain dr cr2 yg cantik skrg nie i ader habit br tau...baking a cake...huhuhu
saya pun cc camne?
berapa nak byr?
waaahhh. lawanya cake.. i pulak yang terkenan.. nak tempah jugak lah nanti....
The cake looks beautiful. pink roses yang gorgeous ;)
Tolong wish pada aunty keh ;)
thanks friends for the comments...
Mai: the design mmg cantik...cik mai juga sudah berjinak2 dgn baking...bagus2...nanti bole bisnes2...hehe...
Cik Na: nanti saye follow up dgn kak jun k...
Kak Kimi: ye kak...harus tempah...mmg takkan menyesal..:-)..
Jehan dear: awak mesti tau yg kak jun mmg hebat buat roses kan...huhuhu...jehan, u should try buat roses ni let me know bile dah berjaye k...:-)..
cantiknyaaa cake tuu...kak june mmg pdai buat cake kan...
a'ah...mmg sgt pandai and berbakat...cake tu bukan cantik pada rupa tapi amatla sedap..:-)..
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