Hai everyone...well, as mentioned above, the Biro Tatanegara course has been postponed to 25th June until 29th June...so, I will be home this weekend..huhu...I've cancelled a lot of plans because at first I have to attend this course from Thursday (tomorrow) until next monday...but it has been postponed...btw, it has nothing to do with John..hehe...
So, I decided to fill up my time with reading...I haven't read novels for a long time since I started my masters study...Now it's the time to read...hehe...I chose to read a story entitled 'Dear John' by Nicholas Sparks...It's a love story...This story is one of the 4 stories compiled in Reader's Digest Select Editions which I purchased a few months ago...I asked mom to read them first and recommends which stories are worth reading...hehe...since mom was quite free last month, so she finished all the 4 stories in just a short time...ngehngeh...Thanks mom...:-)...

Ok...these words caught my interest to read this story first compared to the other 3 stories...
"When a man's a soldier, which comes first - his duty to the armed forces, or being with the woman he loves? John thought he knew. But then came September 11."
Hehe...so I wanna finish all the ten chapters in this story...Reading English books is a way to improve my English...To Firah and Jehan, kalau ada buku2 cerita best, plz recommend them to me okay..:-)...
Till then...Daa...
hi kak!
mcm best jer buku tu.. nk kna carik nih
sorry lari tajuk dear
mind if i ask
cukup berkenan dgn tudung ala2 ct warna purple tu
mana nk bli ye ?
thanks for answering eheh
hye kakak sapit!!!haha....
lol ejann beli buku cite tuh like a year ago and tak penah abis :P this book is kind of disappointing cuz buku cite nick sparks lain mostly best. tak tau le nape yang ni kurang sket :P but hopefully aleya suke la buku tuh. ejann baru abis bace buku The Secrets of The Notebook by Eve Haas. A true story. erm best la jugak. kalo ske bace thriller bleh la jugak ejann suggestkan buku untuk dibace :P sekarang ni tgh bace sail by james patterson. best la jugak :)
hi..u've been nominated for the adorable blog award!!!
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