Then Dr. Hussain told us that he went to Wong Solo in Bangi. It's a restaurant sells Indonesian food including the ayam penyet and so on & so forth...Waa...sudah terasa lapar time tu..When I got home, terus ajak hubby to eat there. It's situated in Section 9 where Ariani Gallery and Old Town White Coffee situated. Az-Zahra and An-Nur are situated nearby. Section 9 is currently developing so fast...hehe...with the restaurants, spa, boutiques, etc...:-)..
Nasi Goreng Ayam (RM14)...
Me and my food...
Hubby and his food...
All of the food just cost RM 35.95. Both of the juices cost RM5.50..Ok la kan?..hehe...The treat was on me...Ayam penyet was delicious (this was the 1st time I ate ayam penyet..:p)..but the tempe was a bit salty..tapi abis jugak kutelan..:p..Hubby said that the chicken fried rice was good too...All the staffs there dressed in Indonesian outfit with the songkok and baju batik...hehe...The atmosphere is good for relaxing after a busy day at work..:-)...So, semua yg berhampiran dgn Bangi, can try to eat at Wong Solo. Dr. Hussain told me that there are only 3 branches in Malaysia including Bangi. It originated from Indonesia..:-)...
OK...I'm already hungry. Wanna go and eat at Bangi after this. But not at Wong Solo, at a restaurant near Wong Solo called Nasi Ulam...huhuhu...It sells Kelantanese delicious...I went there with my office mates last week. It opens from 7 am to 3 am...lama today I want to introduce that restaurant to hubby..:-)...
wong solo tu dh pernah masuk jln2 cr makan.. dulu aku try ayam percik.. teksturnye sgt lembut dan telah masak sepenuhnya. sbnrnya minuman special kat situ adalah jus avacado.. lain kali leh try.. (aku dh leh ganti Maria Tunku Sabri.. huhu..)
hehe...aku mintak jus avocado aritu tapi org tu ckp avocado tu diimport...stok tak smpai lg...hehehe...
Aleya, kat Ampang Avenue ada 1. Tried once.. mmg sedap.. makan bersila.. hehehe
u..cantek la tudung ni..u pakai cane eh?cantek jugak cara u pakai
hari tu saye mintak tambah cili, kene caj rm1.50. cili die setoet je, tanye kenape mahal die kate cili pon import.
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