These are the pictures on the 2nd day at Tioman Island...we went for island hopping....
Me and hubby with the life jacket...
Pemandangan tepi pantai Pulau Tioman

Taman Laut Tioman

With hubby...dalam bot...

'Kanak-kanak' K10 yg riang ria..hehe...
On the last day.......

On the last day...tgh tunggu feri smpai...

Bye2 Kampung Genting...

In the ferry...after taking this pic, we slept for about 2 hours until arrival at the Mersing jetty...
Ok...that's all the story about our trip to Tioman Island...sebenarnye tak larat nak upload pics byk2...susah sikit kan nak adjust kat blog nih...huhuh...hari ni me and hubby nak buat gotong-royong kemas rumah...hehehe...weekdays kan busy je arini je la ade mase...:-D...Ok, till then...Tata...
P/S: Tak sabar nak post another entry and also nak reply perkara2 yg org lain dah 'tag' saye...from Syafiq Nazmi, Jehan, ZLa...and the latest Ejanzz...haha...byk betul...will find one suitable and free day to reply to those tags...hehe...
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