Salam all...i feel that it has been a long time since my last today, on a peaceful Wednesday morning, i wish to write up something on my 'vacation' to Tioman Island...
I went to Tioman Island last Thursday...this was Tenth College activity so all the MTM (Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa) and all the staffs were going there...we headed to Mersing jetty since we needed to take a ferry to go to Tioman Island...
In the bus
At around 8.45 p.m., we departed for Mersing by UPM buses...wehehe..dah lame tak naik bas UPM...dulu same dgn kwn2...skrg dgn suami...:p...we arrived at Mersing jetty at 1.30 a.m...after going thru such a challenging journey...huhuh...the bus driver took the Bukit Putus-Kuala Pilah-Muadzam Shah-Mersing route...jalan lama!!!!...jalan dekat Bukit Putus tu, ya ampunnnn...berpusing2..ade yg nearly 360 degree tau!...cuakk je semua org...huhuhu...ramai jugak yg pening2 kepala sbb bas melantun2...just imagine the conditions of the roads...amatla sempit dan tak sekata...despite all the challenges, we managed to arrive at the jetty..alhamdulillah...:-)...
At Mersing Jetty
We went to Tioman Island by ferry at 3 a.m. in the morning and arrived there at 5 a.m..sepanjang 2 jam tu, semua org tido..sebab tak dpt tido sepanjang dlm bas...almaklumla mcm naik roller coaster kan...although i dont know how it feels like naik roller coaster since i'm penakut!!!...haha...
The first place yg berpenghuni kat pulau tu is Kampung Genting...chalet kami terletak kat Kampung Genting...tempat lain mcm Pulau Tekek, semua jauh lagi...dlm 20 minutes jarak melalui laut...sesampainye kat Kampung Genting, hujan renyai2 menyambut kedatangan kami (cewahh ayat)...dah hampir subuh dah waktu tu...keadaan amatla gelap...tapi dlm kegelapan tu, tetap nmpk kejernihan air laut tu di bawah sinaran bulan sepanjang kami berjalan atas jambatan di jeti tu...bayangkan betapa jernihnye air laut tu...:-)...
Kami menginap di Genting Bayu Chalet...mula2 masa dah jejak darat, ingatkan terus sampai chalet..but the first building yg kami nmpk was Balai Raya Kampung Genting in front of us and Klinik Desa Kampung Genting...where is the chalet??? semua budak2 dah tanye2 sesama sendiri...yg dah penah smpai kat situ is Dr.Azlizam (pengetua kolej 10)....he told us that we need to walk 500m from there to the chalet...what???..setengah kilo tu berjalan...maka berkilo2 la kalori yg terbakar...lucky us (me and my hubby) for packing our stuffs in a backpack...kalau yg bawak beg roda ala2 akademi fantasia tu, mmg 'selamat' la...hehe...kena lalu jalan kecik...kawasan yg berhutan...titi kecik...semua tu dilalui dlm keadaan yg samar2...ada lampu sikit je sepanjang jalan...bayangkan...agak horror gak la waktu tu...hehe...
At last we managed to arrive at the chalet...lepas dah diberi brief expalanations and given the room key, all of us went to our rooms, solat subuh and tido terus...i decided not to go for breakfast at 8 a.m. since i prefer sleeping to we woke up at 12.30 p.m....puasla tido...mandi and went for lunch...bile dah siang baru la nmpk keseluruhan...although the chalet was not grand as other chalets or resorts or hotels, but the facilities were nestles in the humbleness of Kampung Genting...very2 basic and simple place to live in...I kept thinking how does it feels to live in this place...hmmm...

The sea view
Btw, maxis langsung takde coverage kat situ...yg ade hanye Celcom saje...full bar lagi...Digi Bersamamu pun takde line!!!...haha...i can't stand the situation where my handphone is not 'functioning'...i kept babbling to hubby on how i can't live without my handphone functioning for 3 days until last I asked one of the village girl who works at the chalet where can i get a Celcom simpack...haha...rupenye kat kedai depan sekali sebelah Balai Raya...malam semalam tak nmpk mcm ade kedai pun kat situ...semua tutup kan pukul 5 pagi...hehe...
Tgh berjalan2, nmpk motor SpongeBob cute!
So hubby pun teman la jalan kaki ke kedai to buy the simpack..hehe...baru la nmpk kwsn tu keseluruhan...hehe...mmg kecik je laluan...kereta mmg takde langsung kat situ...motosikal je ade...kami pun beli la makanan ringan sikit, tgk2 souvenirs kat kedai and balik chalet..

Selamat Datang ke Kampung Genting, Pulau Tioman

Sila tgk map...jauh tu jarak antara jetty dgn Genting Bayu Chalet...
The first day there weren't much activities to do...hubby went for snorkelling with the students and staffs..and isteri2 dudukla bersembang di tepi pantai..hehe...rase mcm pelik la...dulu mase student bole la buat perangai budak2...tapi sebab dah kawin, kena behave la...baru la sedar yg i'm getting older...hehe..wlpn ade je budak2 K10 yg lagi tua dari kami, tapi tetap ade perbezaan since we're married and budak2 tu still bujang...hehe...
Lepas tu ade sukaneka utk budak2...bukan anak staff ye...tapi budak2 K10...hehe...diorg sgtla happening...seronok je tgk....semua lelaki and sgtla bising menceriakan keadaan...:-)..tergelak jugak tgk diorg...they should enjoy that beautiful moment together...sbb bila dah graduate nanti, keadaan dah lain sikit...hehe...
Waktu mlm, lepas dinner ade opening ceremony...lepas tu saye pun balikla bilik...all the students still ade aktiviti diorg sendiri...i chose to sleep early since we will be going for island hopping on the next day..yeehaa...:p..
I will post a new entry on the island hopping later...need to do some house chores and baca journal...petang nanti nak pegi office jap...KPM's external examiner dtg from USA..Prof. Dr. Daryl B. Lund...I'm so excited to meet him!!!..till then ya...tata...
opis kaka eila wat trip ke tioman may ni..tiap2 th buat trip ke pulau..neway..lawo tudung sama lawa ngan orgnye..hehe
hehe...thanks kak eila...tudung deZAHRA kan tudung cantik...:p...hehe...
kak eila pegi area mane?...kalau pegi kat Pulau Tekek, mmg best la sikit dari yg lain...situ ade semua coverage telefon...hehe...
nanti update story lepas dah balik tioman nanti k...:-)...
cntik nyer moto tu....kalah skuter aku..
sakan ekau berjalan ye nak..bukit putus tu mmg berpinar2 klu lalu ikut situ..kang nk g umah ayo pun lalu situ pe..sediakanla paper bag bnyk2 ye..
Bernard: mmg cute tau skuter tu...comel je...aku pun terkezut tgk ade yg buat style spongebob...hehe...ko taknak makeover skuter ko ke?...:p..
ZLa: tula...aku tau bile nak gi umah ayo lalu situ...aku orait je tak pening cume cuak tgk kereta dtg dari dpn...huhuh...
bestnya g jalan2...alia nak tnya white tunic yg u pakai tu beli kat ne ye? cantiklaa
motor spongebob!!! comel laaa nape aliaa tak bwk balik utk ninie hihihi
wei,byk keje aku kene setel bila Prof Daryl Lund ni dtg.. meh dtg tolong....
Ninie: mcm mane nak bawak moto naik feri...hehehe...tapi mmg cute la...1st time nmpk mcm tu...hehe...tunic putih tu murah je ninie...:p...
Zuhair: aku sedang cuti belaja...makanye aku kebal dari sebarang tugas admin...hehehe...tunggu aku report duty bulan 7 nih...:p...
wah berbaloi kan pegi pulau tioman. Tempatnya pun cantik dan tenang fikiran..
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