Salam is 13th of april...25 years ago, a girl named Nur 'Aliaa binti Abd Rahman was born on Friday, 13th April 1984...and today, she is celebrating her 25th birthday for the first time as a wife of Mohd Hafizul bin Ismail...
Today is a very2 special day for me because I've been married to my hubby for 4 months...we got married on 13th December 2008...So many gud things in one day...:-)...
I love my hubby so much...I have these as my birthday presents from my loving hubby....
1) A set of gorgeous, cute and beatiful cupcakes with shopaholic theme...hubby ordered from Kak Jun Cupcakekasih...look at those gorgeous handbags, dresses, shoes and lips...huhuh...sgt terharu...I love the white Chanel handbag...(^_^)v.....Sayang kat Kak Jun...muaxxxx!!
2) A new Guess this so much...I've been dreaming for a new watch for a long last hubby bought it for me...yay!!!...I love the pink heart shaped casing...

Can you feel that the love is all around...hehe...Last Saturday, I met my besties since Asasi (UM)...Jehan and Farah...we hang out at Chilis, Mid Valley...diorg blanje makan...heheh...I love them to bits!

And Jehan gave me this present...hehe...Plz take a close look at the website address...La Senza UK tau...hehehe...she bought it when she was still in London...I love you so much J!

OK...I will elaborate more on the cupcakes and a day out with my besties later...Thanks so much for the wishes...:-)...Love u all...
waaaaa cupcakes sungguh comel & sedap!!!! happy birthhday!!!! :D
Haha...nak jugak post gambar paper bag tu ye cik Aleya oi...Love the cupcakes Kak Jun made for you. Simply adorable! Sorry la the cupcakes I made for you was just a simple one. Tapi cute jgk kan? Hehe
Anyway, had a great time the other day with you and Farah. You know what, eventhoug you're a PUAN now, you are still the "kaklong" I once knew..and loving her to bits!
So yup, stay the way you are bestie!
And happy birthday again!
eppi bezday alia..moga kesihatan makin baik..hidup makin bahagia dan diberkati Allah selalu
Thanks for the wish my friends...:-)...
Ejanzz...cupcakes tu mmg sedap...chocolate chips cake and strawberry buttercake...sedap tau!!!
Jehan...thanks for the letter 'A' cupcake..hehe...You and Farah are still my 'sisters'...(^_^)v..Love u so much...Thanks for celebrating my birthday...:-)..
Kak Eila, thanks for the wish...:-)..
happy bday..cantik kek ko...nak bt gak la nanti..kat mana tmpah tu
thanks bernard...mmg cantik and sedap tau kek tu...
ko click dekat link Kak June Cupcakekasih tu...sure ko takkan menyesal kalau beli...:-D..
tumpang sekaki nak ucapkan selamat harijadi juga kat sini and thanks for that lovely comments.
terasa lapar plak tengok cuppies ko..
kak jun...thanks so much for the wish..:-)..
cik zla mesti belum makan tghari td mase tulis comment ni..sbb tu lapar..tapi mmg sedap kek ni zila..hehe...
happy birthday aliaa...sgt comel cuppies tu...mcm i punya...blg gang ni..bila kite nk kluar sama2 ni? :-)
Thanks for the wish Ninie...mmg same la rupe cuppies tu sebab order kat org yg same...hehe...cantik kan..tak tergamak nak mkn...:p...
Bagus jugak idea nak jumpe tu...nanti bole la plan..hehe...
hey awak..
happy belated birthday.
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