Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Emotion & Feeling
I should be more relaxed...
Never stop motivating myself...
I'm finding the best way to present my work...
I'm praying for the best...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Jalan-jalan and Shopping
Mase on the way to my sis-in-law house, my father-in-law tanye, 'Aliaa tak pening ke membaca dalam kereta?'...hehe...sebenarnye dah terbiasa...I still ingat kata2 my lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hussain Salleh...dia kata supervisor dia masa kat US dulu ckp, kene biase kan diri membaca walau kat mane kite berada termasukla dlm kereta...wlpn pening, but u must get used to kawan2, rajin2 la membaca k...supaya otak kita sentiasa diasah and masa kite tak terbazir macam tu saje...(^_^)v...
Ini dia Ariani Gallery yg baru saje dibuka kat Bangi...lepas ni senangla org2 kawasan sini nak pegi...tak payah pegi KL punye...last week I went to Ariani Mutiara Damansara...alang2 pegi IKEA, pegi terus la ke Ariani cawangan sane...gune GPS lagi...haha...nasibla hubby ku ini sporting sgt...(^_^)...dekat sane dah tapau beberapa kat Ariani Bangi ni saye beli 2 -tone chiffon plain shawl and inner tudung...hehe...dpt diskaun 12% sebab dah jadi member mase kat Damansara...Ini dia set inner and shawl yg saye beli...sebijik mcm ni sebab saye nak yg sebijik mcm patung ni pakai...sbb stok utk both inner and shawl ni dah staf dia kena la buka tudung kat patung ni...kuikuikui...
Selepas bersungguh2 'menuntut ilmu' dgn staf2 nye cara2 nak pakai shawl, baru la melangkah keluar kedai...hari tu dah blaja kat Damansara tapi saje je seronok2 nak suruh diorg ajar...hehe...ok...kali ni hasil tuaian sikit je...sbb dah byk dah koleksi...saje nak try Ariani punye...:-)...

Last 2 weeks beli tudung full lycra A****i...but I'm very dissapointed with the quality of the jahitan dkt awning tudung...tak kemas...and the material used is fair in quality...I've tried other brands before..Sri Munawwarah, DeZahra and Nur Barakah...I can recommend that DeZahra quality is better than A****i...DeZahra full lycra tudung is much2 better...the quality of the material is really good...and you'll look really nice when u wear it...I've recommended it to my friends also...sesiapa yg belum penah try tudung DeZahra, u can try...then u can compare the quality with A****i...FYI, I will send my A****i full lycra for repair...haha...nasibla ada sorang Sis ni baik hati nak repairkan...Thanks Kak...:-)...smlm tgk full lycra kat A****i Bangi pun same jugak mmg diriku ini tidak tersalah beli la hari tu...
Latest personal research saye ialah terhadap brand2 tudung yg terdapat kat Malaysia ni...hehehe...lepas ni bole buat review pasal semua2 tudung2 ni...DeZahra, Sri Munawwarah, Hajaba, Ariani and Nur Barakah...cewah mcm nak tulis review paper anta kat journal pulak..hehe...and not to forget other D.I.Y tudung yg kualiti nye mmg setanding and lagi baik dari yg butik my friends, we need to spend our money in the smartest way...beli yg kualiti tinggi dengan harga berpatutan...:-)...tudung butik ni mmg mahal...tapi pandai2 la k...beli yg termampu ok la...just to try and have personal experience on it...:-)...
Ok...that's all...wanna continue working on my presentation slides...Daa...
p/s: nanti Ariani nak buka cawangan Shah Alam...Congrats to Sharifah (my friend) sebab dapat jadi model sementara Ariani for TV promotion...I'm happy for you babe...:-)...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Puan Aleya Recent Activities...
Salam...dah lama rasenye tak tulis entry baru...quite bz recently...rite now I'm preparing for my Master's Viva (Defence) that will be held on 6th May 2009....dupdapdupdap...After 2 years struggling for the best, now it's the time to present and defend my work...
I'm not pushing myself too hard..just relax and browsing thru my thesis leisurely...I've been focusing on this thesis for about two years...and I feel that now is not the time to crack my brain anymore for everything is in place...the objectives of my study; the design of machine; the optimization of enzymatic clarification (I've been dedicating my soul for this chapter for quite a long time...this is the thickest chapter in my has contributed 3 journals for me so far...alhamdulillah); development of process flow sheet and finally the conclusions and recommendations for future research...alhamdulillah...I managed to synchronize all the chapters well to become a thesis...
Yesterday I have marked the exam papers of Process Plant Design course taught by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nordin...he asked me to help him mark the papers and I agreed without any hesitation...although I'm still in my study leave, I was more than happy to help him...I'd helped him last year to teach this subject...although I'm just a tutor, but I was honoured that he gave me a chance to join him advising the students about the projects that he gave them...this was my favourite subject during my undergraduate studies and i did my final year project on the design and development of food processing plant under his supervision...He is my idol...He is the best in his area...I'm honoured to work with the founder of my course, Process and Food Engineering...:-)...
I think he will get the Professor title very soon...tau la UPM kan...byk requirements yg harus dipenuhi...I'm very happy to hear that Dr. Chin Nyuk Ling skrg ni dah jadi Ir. Dr. Chin Nyuk Ling...soon akan tambah title Associate Professor kat dpn tu...antara lecturer perempuan yg berjaya di usia semuda 33 tahun I guess...She is my role model too...:-)...She is my super senior...grad hujung 1990-an rasenye...siapa kate food engineer tak bole dpt Ir...Ir. Dr. Chin has proved it!!!..(^_^)v...
Ok back to the story...Marking exam papers is not an easy's very challenging...every student answered the questions differently...the dedicated students answered them correctly while the not-so-dedicated student, ya ampunnn....mcm2 they never studied this subject since the very beginning of this course...hmm....yg buat careless mistakes pun ada...padahal bole dapat full marks...yg confuse dgn the methods of calculations pun ada...but I'm very proud of the students who scored full marks in that papers...Process Plant Design is quite a challenging requires u to think and analyse the situation given before you proceed with the calculation...byk method yg bole digunakan...that's why byk student yg confuse...but I believe that in everything that we do, if we are crystal clear about our objective and mission, we'll not get lost in our journey...:-)...
OK....petang ni nak gi office jap anta balik semua kertas kat Dr. Nordin...and start to do the presentation slides...hehe...weekend ni nak lawat my sister-in-law kat need to plan and organize my schedule...i plan to check a thesis draft of one final year student this weekend harus mendisiplinkan diri supaya dpt siapkan semua kerja...bagus jugak kat kolej ni tak dpt buka ym skrg...kurangla sikit distractions..hehe...
Monday, April 13, 2009
My 25th Birthday....
1) A set of gorgeous, cute and beatiful cupcakes with shopaholic theme...hubby ordered from Kak Jun Cupcakekasih...look at those gorgeous handbags, dresses, shoes and lips...huhuh...sgt terharu...I love the white Chanel handbag...(^_^)v.....Sayang kat Kak Jun...muaxxxx!!

OK...I will elaborate more on the cupcakes and a day out with my besties later...Thanks so much for the wishes...:-)...Love u all...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tioman Island...Part 2...
These are the pictures on the 2nd day at Tioman Island...we went for island hopping....
Me and hubby with the life jacket...
Pemandangan tepi pantai Pulau Tioman

Taman Laut Tioman

With hubby...dalam bot...

'Kanak-kanak' K10 yg riang ria..hehe...
On the last day.......

On the last day...tgh tunggu feri smpai...

Bye2 Kampung Genting...

In the ferry...after taking this pic, we slept for about 2 hours until arrival at the Mersing jetty...
Ok...that's all the story about our trip to Tioman Island...sebenarnye tak larat nak upload pics byk2...susah sikit kan nak adjust kat blog nih...huhuh...hari ni me and hubby nak buat gotong-royong kemas rumah...hehehe...weekdays kan busy je arini je la ade mase...:-D...Ok, till then...Tata...
P/S: Tak sabar nak post another entry and also nak reply perkara2 yg org lain dah 'tag' saye...from Syafiq Nazmi, Jehan, ZLa...and the latest Ejanzz...haha...byk betul...will find one suitable and free day to reply to those tags...hehe...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tioman Island Part 1...

In the bus
At around 8.45 p.m., we departed for Mersing by UPM buses...wehehe..dah lame tak naik bas UPM...dulu same dgn kwn2...skrg dgn suami...:p...we arrived at Mersing jetty at 1.30 a.m...after going thru such a challenging journey...huhuh...the bus driver took the Bukit Putus-Kuala Pilah-Muadzam Shah-Mersing route...jalan lama!!!!...jalan dekat Bukit Putus tu, ya ampunnnn...berpusing2..ade yg nearly 360 degree tau!...cuakk je semua org...huhuhu...ramai jugak yg pening2 kepala sbb bas melantun2...just imagine the conditions of the roads...amatla sempit dan tak sekata...despite all the challenges, we managed to arrive at the jetty..alhamdulillah...:-)...
At Mersing Jetty
We went to Tioman Island by ferry at 3 a.m. in the morning and arrived there at 5 a.m..sepanjang 2 jam tu, semua org tido..sebab tak dpt tido sepanjang dlm bas...almaklumla mcm naik roller coaster kan...although i dont know how it feels like naik roller coaster since i'm penakut!!!...haha...
The sea view

Tgh berjalan2, nmpk motor SpongeBob cute!
So hubby pun teman la jalan kaki ke kedai to buy the simpack..hehe...baru la nmpk kwsn tu keseluruhan...hehe...mmg kecik je laluan...kereta mmg takde langsung kat situ...motosikal je ade...kami pun beli la makanan ringan sikit, tgk2 souvenirs kat kedai and balik chalet..
Selamat Datang ke Kampung Genting, Pulau Tioman
Sila tgk map...jauh tu jarak antara jetty dgn Genting Bayu Chalet...
The first day there weren't much activities to do...hubby went for snorkelling with the students and staffs..and isteri2 dudukla bersembang di tepi pantai..hehe...rase mcm pelik la...dulu mase student bole la buat perangai budak2...tapi sebab dah kawin, kena behave la...baru la sedar yg i'm getting older...hehe..wlpn ade je budak2 K10 yg lagi tua dari kami, tapi tetap ade perbezaan since we're married and budak2 tu still bujang...hehe...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Recent Activities....

Asik makan je bile pegi kursus...mmg menggemukkan...hehe...

Kasut kami...:-)...
Tudung kesayangan saye...:-)...
Special pressie for a very special woman...:-)...
OK...mata saye dah tak mengantuk lg...dah bole sambung menaip proposal...Tata all...:-)...