UPM 33rd Convocation will be held from 8th of August until 11th of August...Master of Science graduands will receive their scroll during the 8th session i.e. the last session on 11th of August on next Tuesday...So, I'll be receiving my masters degree certificate on next Tuesday...:-)...
I'm currently thinking of what kind & colour of baju kurung and tudung to be worn...Am thinking to wear chiffon baju kurung in blue together with light blue tudung with sakura awning that I bought from Kak Maira...but need to test whether I can wear the mortar board with this kind of tudung...takut awning rosak...hehehe...
InsyaAllah tomorrow I'll take the Academic Regalia a.k.a. set jubah konvokesyen...I'm still having flu and sore throat rite now...hope will recover from it asap...:-)...
Below are the pictures during my Bachelor Degree convocation in 2007...

With Mom....
With my boyfriend (now my hubby...:p) with my parents in law...
For next week convocation, hubby will accompany me...nak amik gambar studio dgn hubby..:-D..
Berdoa diberi kesihatan yg baik supaya bole hadir ke concovocation...risau jugak dengan keadaan sekarang ni...musim demam2...
OK...that's all for now...wassalam...

1 comment:
selamat berkonvo.. aku punyer lambat lagi huhu
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