Salam..these are some pics from my convo file...but still, no studio pic yet..i hope will get it by this week..:-)...
Me and the BIG Mama and baby Pooh...I got the baby Pooh during my Bachelor Degree convo while the Mama Pooh for my Masters convo..both are from my beloved hubby..:-)...
With my supervisor (Dr. Siti) and co-supervisor (Dr. Farah)...Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart...:-)...
With my friends and supervisor...Thanks so much for all the support given...
With my friend Rohaiza...Thanks so much for coming....(^_^)...
With my friend Cik Firah...Thanks so much for coming....(^_^)...
I wish to thank my friends, Zuhair and Che Rod for coming on the convo day...sorry la aku dah balik awal...hehehehheheheh......
Ok...till then peeps...tata...Tak sabar nak puasa hari Sabtu ni...InsyaAllah...(^_^)v...
since ko kate xsabar nak pose sabtu ni...teringat zaman2 blaja degree dulu kan..buka pose sama2..huhu..miss all them so nostalgiatic...
a'ah...mmg teringat..huhu...bukak pose beramai2 kat bilik ko..hehe...dah lebih 2 tahun dah berlalu...huhu...Selamat Berpuasa Cik Tipah..:-)...
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