I also got myself a new pencil case too...sebab sudah hilang juga bersama2 laptop..huhuh...lucky me that all the academic staffs dpt teaching kit which consists of pencils, pens, marker pens, erasers etc...now I just need to buy a new CALCULATOR...susah jugak tau takde calculator...especially time nak kira2 diskaun bile tgh online shopping...hahah...bole?...:p....
So peeps, in the name of Allah, I'm sharing with all of you my new laptop...

My new baby...Vaio CS in Pink...
It's pink in colour..my favourite color...it's quite purplish actually...so it's the combination of my favourite colors - purple + pink...
My previous laptop was Hp Compaq (yg masih kelihatan seperti baru..plastik pun tak tanggal lagi tau...huhu)...tapi mase tgh survey2 laptop, hati ni terasa sedih sgt bile tgk lambang Q kat cover Hp Compaq yg dijual di kedai2...so I decided not to buy that brand to prevent me from remembering my previous lappy...huhu...
So, I was thinking of buying something that is durable since I'm going to use it for my doctorate studies in the near future, insyaAllah...haruslah something that has a very good processor, big RAM and also HDD...after surveying in the internet, I listed out 2 possible laptops which were Hp Pavilion (which has the LCD screen that can be turned 360 degree..hehe..) and Sony Vaio...Hp Pavilion uses AMD Turion processor while Vaio uses Intel Core 2 Duo processor...
In doing postgraduate studies, takde maknenye bukak laptop sekejap je pastu tutup...we need to search smpai ke segala ceruk kat internet tu to surf for the related materials...bukak lappy for just 2 hours a day is not enough...kdg2 ada laptop smpai terpadam terus sebab cepat panas (due to its processor yg cepat pns)...so Intel is a better choice...setelah mendapat nasihat dari mereka yg pandai pasal laptop i.e. Cik Firah & En. Raman, maka, saya bersama hubby terus ke Sony Center and bought this Sony Vaio CS...The specs are as follows:
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor P8700 (2.53 GHz) - mmg laju nih...hehe...
Memory 4 GB - ini mmg byk and laju utk buat keje atau utk hubby main game ker..hehe...
HDD 320 GB - storage yg besar adalah amat penting...
Graphics by NVIDIA - ini juga penting utk software yg berkaitan graphics..mcm AutoCad and Cartia ataupun game..hehe..
Semoga dengan adanya laptop ni, semangat akan semakin berkobar2...utk belajar and bekerja...Aminn...:-)...
That's all for now...Wassalam...

nice2...but make sure jgn rosakkan apa2 part na..sbb setiap part amat berharga harga nya..peace no war!
wah alia..same ngan eila la...hehe..p mana2 mesti bawa dan ramai tegur..cantiknya laptop..pink..pink..hehe...dulu hubby malu nak bawa skang ni die plak yg excited ke mana2..mesti bawa hehe
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