is my convocation day...Snapped a few pictures...Will collect the official convo pics by this week...and can't wait to collect the studio pic of hubby and me...hehehe...
I felt relax during the convo...unlike during my Bachelor Degree convo 2 years ago...excited+quite nervous...I was also excited during this second time convo...but the excitement was different...
After u get a Master Degree, u'll feel so relieve that u've finished the degree...It's not an easy task to do especially to obtain a research degree...You have to sacrifice so much...sometimes u'll be so happy when u get the desired results...but sometimes, u'll drop your precious tears...and cry your heart out over a few things that might hurt you along the's such a learning process...When u walk during the Graduands Procession, the feeling is different too...not the same as your Bachelor Degree...when you walk into the Hall, u'll feel that all your hard work and sacrifice are paid off...
I'm happy and proud of myself...In my own way...
Ini baru Masters...I heard a lot from my colleague about her PhD convo...the feeling is much much more different...of course since it's a PhD anyway...oh it's hard to define the 'different' feeling that I've been talking about...hehe...only people in my position will understand...
OK..that's all for now...ada lagi pics...tunggu dah dpt nanti bole la post kat blog...:-)...
To all the graduands and graduands-to-be, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Thanks to Firah and Rohaiza for coming during my convo...That was very thoughtful of two of you...Thanks so much for the pressie too...Muaxxxx!..

It's me on the big screen...:-)..
It's me walking after taking the scroll...hehe...
Me and the special 'thing'...:-D...
The only difference between the Masters and Bachelor Degree Academic Regalia is the 2 silver lines at each lengan jubah Masters...Bachelor Degree ada satu line saje...And muka saye juga telah meningkat dari segi kebulatan berbanding 2 tahun lepas...heheheheh...

wahhh..congrats dear..lepas ni bolehla diteruskan plan kamu ye...:D
Salam kawan-kawan..Thanks so much...
InsyaAllah perancangan akan diteruskan...tibe2 teringin nak buat perancangan keluarga....hehehe...
aliaa, tahniah dik. lepas ni leh wat PhD lak ek. :)
congrats =)..good luck on ur PHD..
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