Salam...yesterday was the saddest day in my life...I've lost my precious laptop..huhu...all the memories are gone...gone with the wind...The saddest thing is I also lost my organizer together with the laptop since I put my organizer in my laptop bag...same goes to my pendrives and my payslip...huhu...But I'm so grateful because I've finished my masters..if not,i cant imagine what will happen to me...huhu...
Last nite I went to lodge a police report...Although deep in my heart I knew that I might not get the laptop back...but I still hope that I can get my organizer back in some other ways...I'm hoping that the thief will throw away my organizer somewhere near the place that we parked our car so that I can get it back...huhu...
Actually me and my hubby went to pasar mlm yesterday...we have not been to pasar malam for quite a long time since we got married...but hubby was fasting yesterday so he wanted to buy food at pasar mlm ala2 membeli makanan di bazar ramadhan...I didn't know what had happened to me yesterday...I forgot that I've brought together my laptop and put it at the backseat of our car...after buying all the foods, we realized that my laptop wasn't at its place and noticed that 'bahagian tmpt masuk kunci dkt pintu kereta telah dikopakkan'..DAMN!!!!...
Last nite I went to lodge a police report...Although deep in my heart I knew that I might not get the laptop back...but I still hope that I can get my organizer back in some other ways...I'm hoping that the thief will throw away my organizer somewhere near the place that we parked our car so that I can get it back...huhu...
Actually me and my hubby went to pasar mlm yesterday...we have not been to pasar malam for quite a long time since we got married...but hubby was fasting yesterday so he wanted to buy food at pasar mlm ala2 membeli makanan di bazar ramadhan...I didn't know what had happened to me yesterday...I forgot that I've brought together my laptop and put it at the backseat of our car...after buying all the foods, we realized that my laptop wasn't at its place and noticed that 'bahagian tmpt masuk kunci dkt pintu kereta telah dikopakkan'..DAMN!!!!...
I was so shocked...I called my mom and cried my heart out...while hubby went back to the pasar mlm area to search for the laptop bag (aku dah kat umah masa ni)...but nothing found..then i called hubby to come back home and break his fast first before we went to lodge a police report...the policeman told us that all the thieves nowadays have some kind of detector that can detect the laptop eventhough you keep them in the car bonnet...huhu...
So...there goes all my masters memories...huhu...lucky me that I've received the award of degree...alhamdulillah...but I'm still praying to Allah..if the laptop and my organizer happened to be mine again, then they will come back to me...if not, I've to accept the fate...
Despite of all the sadness, I've received a good news just now...My salary has been increased to '2 tangga gaji'...alhamdulillah...Berbaloi juga berhempas pulas utk masters..Although in another institutions I have already entitled for lecturer post (DS45) with higher salary, I need to accept what Allah has rewarded for me...Kekurangan dan kepayahan yg kita terima, pasti ada hikmah utk kita...yg akan menjadikan kita lebih baik dari yg lain...may all UPM tutors be stronger and my we become the best in our class (same goes to all the tutors in UM and UKM)...insyaAllah...we are in RU level, so we need to be better than the other..
'Bila Allah ingin beri sesuatu yg baik utk kita, pasti Allah akan ambil sedikit yg kita ada...Supaya kita sentiasa mengingatiNya dan sentiasa bersyukur'...These words are my motivation for my current situation...
Aku akan redha menghadapinya...Amin...I've to buy a new laptop to do all my work...tapi aku masih di dalam trauma........
Aku akan redha menghadapinya...Amin...I've to buy a new laptop to do all my work...tapi aku masih di dalam trauma........

o dear..totally understand how u feel..been there, don that if u can still remember..
tabah ye..Allah dah suratkan rezeki ngan lappy tu stakat tu..perhaps it's about time utk upgrade yg better ke dgn gaji baru :)
next time, cabut battery dia ye..separate kan from lappy. that way susah sket penyangak2 tu nak trace
huhu...i can still remember the day you lost your lappy a few years ago..mmg mcm blurr2 je kan bile tgk lappy dah lesap...huhu...
yup...ramai yg dah ckp mcm tu..bukak bateri dia...
skrg tgh dok pk nak beli ape..tapi malas nak rush sgt..akak msih trauma nih...hehe..
aleya, sabar ye dik. sian adik akak ni...
teringat time aku hilang motor dulu.. blur2 katak jer.. mcm percaya tak percaya jer.. tp lama2 terpaksa gak terima hakikat.. Insyaallah ada hikmahnyer semua tu.. sabar yerr...
sabar ek aleya.. moga ada hikmah disebaliknya...
oowhh no! bahayanyaa, saba k aleya...dugaan ni...takleh bayang if i yg ilang misti eee gerammm!
Sabar alia..insya Allah ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni. Tp kak imm doakan alia dpt blk organizer tu. Mesti pentiing sgt2 organizer tu utk alia. Tahniah Alia..naik gaji.Rewards for your achievement. All tutor from other Uni than USM is so lucky. Semua dh jd staff. Kak imm ngn member2 lain kat USM baru status fellow ja..bukan staf pun. Increment..bonus suma tak dpt. Nak tukar U la cmni..USM jahat..huhuhuhu
Salam Aleya
Kesiannya sebab hilang laptop tu. Kak Jun tahu mcm mana perasaan Leya sebab cik suami pun dah mengalaminya 3 weeks ago. dia pergi cr4 and masa nak balik terlupa nak ambil laptop tu kat troli..(padahal dialah yg paling supercarefull pasal laptop kerjanya tu). Dah sampai depan pagar rumah br dia sedar...n kami pun rushed balik pi CR4 tapi dah agak dah...mesti hilang punya. Kak Jun tau dia sedeh sgt sbb working paper semua dalam tu. Tapi kami masih menghrp...masuk balik CR4 n tgk kat semua troli customers tapi memang takada. Mlm tu kak jun solat n berdoa sangat supaya laptop tu dpt balik sbb kak jun pernah jumpa laptop org lain kat parking MIdvalley 3,4 thn lepas, n kak jun pulangkan balik pada tuannya (bukannya menghrp balasan tapi bila berlaku kat cik suami, kak jun berdoa sgt supaya miracle tu boleh terjadi pada dia). And, alhamdulillah Leya, esoknya dalam pukul 11 am, lelaki yg jumpa laptop cik Suami tu called n -- happy ending. Jadi Leya sabarlah, kalau Allah kata memang rezeki Leya, mesti dpt balik. Apapun, tahniah atas reward gaji tu :-))
skrg ni musim kena rompak ke aaa? tadi my fren punya sister, ada 3 bijik motor dtg kat kete dia n bukak pintu kete trus amik handabg atas seat kete! eeee scary la..mintak djauhkan sume bala2 kan..amin.
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