Ok...back to MTE story...hari pertama adalah judging day utk clusters categories and also for gold,silver and bronze winners..time ni my supervisor ade skali utk same2 bagi penerangan...kami melalui proses penghakiman dengan jayenye...hehe....

The poster in my favourite colour...PINK!!!...hehe...

With my supervisor...Dr.Siti Mazlina
Hari ke 2 adalah judging utk special award...mase ni my sv xdpt dtg...so i kene explain sendiri my product...slalunye time special award judging, kite xtau siape hakim tu...kadang2 diorg dtg mcm pelawat biase je...i smpai kat PWTC pukul 10 pagi...pastu pukul 12 dah cabut balik UPM...sbb rushing nak balik umah...time tu ade beberape org je dtg...tp semua nmpk mcm pelawat biase...so kami pun ingat xde harapan la nak menang special award...so dpt ape2 medal pun xpela...hehe...
Petang tu, kami staff KPM dah ke Royale Bintang Seremban sebab ade Bengkel Penulisan...waktu mlm tu majlis anugerah...so mmg tak dtg majlis anugerah tu...mintak kawan tolong msg bile dah dpt keputusan....
Punye la berdebar2...then dlm pukul 9.30 mlm mcm tu, my friend msg....Alhamdulillah, we (my supervisor and me) won GOLD medal in the competition...and the most surprising moment was when we were told that we've won The Very Best Award....syukur sgt2...xsangke it will go this far...tp ramai yg rase this innovation can go far...byk lecturer2 electrical and rekabentuk nak join skali in further improvement of this machine...nak peel 10 bijik terus...hihih...harap2 berjaya la....together we gain knowledge...:-)...InsyaAllah...Bile ingat2 balik,baru la dpt recall ade sorang pelawat dari Arab Saudi tanye byk sgt soalan mase special award judging...byk sgt tanye psl patent and mcm2...i pun jwbla setiap soalan dgn seikhlas hati....and nmpk dia sgt berminat...tp xsangke la kalau dia tu hakim...sbb dia sgtla berlagak biase...tapi bile dpt special award, baru la tersenyum sendiri...:-)...
Btw...UPM brought back 6 gold medals...3 special awards (Best of The Best Award, The Very Best Award & Woman Invention Award)...and penyelidik UPM yg lain bawak balik pingat perak dan gangsa...alhamdulillah...tahun ni rezeki UPM...tahun depan kene maintain and improve kan research supaya dpt terus berjaya as a reputable RU...aminnnn....
Ok...dah habis ceritera kali ni....Jumaat smpai Ahad ikut my hubby pegi Bengkel Penulisan department dia kat Cherating...sronoknyeeee!!!...hehe....Ok...till then...Wassalam...
Thanks bernard...:-)...
aleya, congrates yeah! I saw this twice, once in UPM and 2nd in MTE.On the day I gi at UPM's booth no one there..
All the best!
k. cipah.
Thanks kak cipah...mase kak cipah datang tu,kami tak sampai lagi...ade bengkel penulisan kat seremban...kami mmg rushing gile time tu from seremban to pwtc...hehe...
Thanks for the wish again...and hope to see u later...dtgla KPM...kan dekat je...hehe...:-)..
please respond to this video. don't let people make fun of upm. I am sure you have a sound explanation for this.
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