I'm so happy now because I've submitted my thesis for examination yesterday (16th FEBRUARY 2009)...yay!!!...i'm just waiting for the 'V' day now....VIVA VOCE....:-).....dijangka bulan april kot...so sementara ni, bole relax dulu...dapatla abiskan baca buku2 cerita yg tertangguh sebelum ni...hehe...
Skrg ni ade ade tugas lain jugak dah menanti...Khamis ni pi Malaysia Technology Expo kat PWTC...ade pertandingan kat sane...pastu weekend ni insyaAllah pi Bengkel Penulisan kat Hotel Royale Bintang...best woo hotel tu...4 or 5 stars kot...hehe...sronoknye...dptla ber'honeymoon' skali lg dgn hubby....:p....tapi kene present paper ye di sane...takpe,i 'll bring my thesis je kat situ and discuss with other academicians...
Ok...gotta go...petang ni nak masuk office jap and show my supervisor the poster and brochure that I've made for the MTE....ni nak tunjuk gambar muke ceria di pagi hari lepas hantar tesis semalam....di bawah sinaran matahari pagi kat entrance School of Graduate Studies UPM...hehehe....and gambar malam sebelum anta tesis....saje melepaskn kegilaan berposing kat umah...hubby terpakse la layankan aje & amikkan gambar....hahaha....

Malam sebelum anta tesis...:p...

Happy face...hehe....(^_^)v...
nk tgk thesis ko...
oit...aku call ko byk kali nape xdpt2 nok....
selamat mengviva voce kan diri.. keh keh keh.. dah ada isik belom???
hehe...wish me luck...skrg ni masih berdua bersama suami lagi dong...hehe...:-)...
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