Friday, February 27, 2009
Tata Vista & Hola Cherating...
My laptop operates faster now...btw,it has intel core 2 duo processor which contributes to the fastness of its operation...hihih...really love this new condition...adios vista...:p...
Today I'm going to Cherating with my hubby...his department will be having 'Bengkel Penulisan' there...and I'm sooo happy that i can follow him...i can rest and relax my mind there...and maybe will find the peace that I'm searching now to write journal...hehe...and also to correct fyp students' thesis..huhuh...a minute i'm a writer, a minute later i'm a proofreader...ngehngeh...
Not to forget, i'll do some 'research' on the SPA TREATMENT there so that i can make some comparison on the SPA services across Malaysia....:p.....i consider this as a research too..hehe...since i love beauty and i feel happy to see women appreciate their beauties...(^_^)....
So Impiana Spa Cherating, here I come!!!!...hehe...
OK...i need to start packing since I have about ONE hour before we depart for Cherating (11 am) is 9.59 am...hehe...before hubby starts to get mad, it's better for me to pen off now...Bye bye...
Monday, February 23, 2009
MTE 2009...The Story...
Ok...back to MTE story...hari pertama adalah judging day utk clusters categories and also for gold,silver and bronze winners..time ni my supervisor ade skali utk same2 bagi penerangan...kami melalui proses penghakiman dengan jayenye...hehe....

The poster in my favourite colour...PINK!!!...hehe...

With my supervisor...Dr.Siti Mazlina
Hari ke 2 adalah judging utk special award...mase ni my sv xdpt i kene explain sendiri my product...slalunye time special award judging, kite xtau siape hakim tu...kadang2 diorg dtg mcm pelawat biase je...i smpai kat PWTC pukul 10 pagi...pastu pukul 12 dah cabut balik UPM...sbb rushing nak balik umah...time tu ade beberape org je semua nmpk mcm pelawat kami pun ingat xde harapan la nak menang special dpt ape2 medal pun xpela...hehe...
Petang tu, kami staff KPM dah ke Royale Bintang Seremban sebab ade Bengkel Penulisan...waktu mlm tu majlis mmg tak dtg majlis anugerah tu...mintak kawan tolong msg bile dah dpt keputusan....
Punye la berdebar2...then dlm pukul 9.30 mlm mcm tu, my friend msg....Alhamdulillah, we (my supervisor and me) won GOLD medal in the competition...and the most surprising moment was when we were told that we've won The Very Best Award....syukur sgt2...xsangke it will go this ramai yg rase this innovation can go far...byk lecturer2 electrical and rekabentuk nak join skali in further improvement of this machine...nak peel 10 bijik terus...hihih...harap2 berjaya la....together we gain knowledge...:-)...InsyaAllah...Bile ingat2 balik,baru la dpt recall ade sorang pelawat dari Arab Saudi tanye byk sgt soalan mase special award judging...byk sgt tanye psl patent and mcm2...i pun jwbla setiap soalan dgn seikhlas hati....and nmpk dia sgt xsangke la kalau dia tu hakim...sbb dia sgtla berlagak biase...tapi bile dpt special award, baru la tersenyum sendiri...:-)...
Btw...UPM brought back 6 gold medals...3 special awards (Best of The Best Award, The Very Best Award & Woman Invention Award)...and penyelidik UPM yg lain bawak balik pingat perak dan gangsa...alhamdulillah...tahun ni rezeki UPM...tahun depan kene maintain and improve kan research supaya dpt terus berjaya as a reputable RU...aminnnn....
Ok...dah habis ceritera kali ni....Jumaat smpai Ahad ikut my hubby pegi Bengkel Penulisan department dia kat Cherating...sronoknyeeee!!!...hehe....Ok...till then...Wassalam...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dah anta tesis!!!

Malam sebelum anta tesis...:p...

Happy face...hehe....(^_^)v...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tata my younger sis....
Mak mesti rindu sgt kat Ecah...lepas ni dah sunyi la kat umah tu...dah xde lg org nak kejut2 semua org bangun solat subuh dgn bersemangatnye...dah xnmpk la beg besar gile kaler MERAH yg mendominasi kawasan kat dlm bilik mak tu...huhu...and for me, rase rindu la setiap kali tgk the 2nd bedroom kat umah ni (sbb aritu mase praktikal,ecah tumpang umah gue)...huhu...

Sem baru ni dia dah masuk tahun 3...sekejap je mase berlalu....dari hari kami hantar dia 2 tahun lepas mase mule2 nak ke Aussie dulu...:-)....belajar rajin2 yer...nanti dah abis blaja,bole keje as pharmacist kat Farmasi Hospital Serdang (tempat Ecah buat mini practical training aritu)...seronok sikit dekat2 kan...hehe....

My taller younger sista & ME!!!...:p...
Kat bawah ni gambar mase kami nak hantar dia February 2007 dulu....Terserlah keremajaan kami mase tu...hehe.....
Nmpk kurus time ni...hehe...
I miss this moment...:-)...
Ok...until next post...tata....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I'm going to miss my sister...huhu....
Hari ahad lepas bawak adik2 pi KlCC berjalan and bershopping...I'm going to miss this moment bile dia dah balik sane nanti...huhu...kene tunggu end of this year baru dpt jumpe balik...tu pun kalau dia balik and kalau i'm still here in Malaysia...hehe...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Shopping Tudung Hajaba...
Pas jumpe dia, i went to my own department at level 3 to rest...tibe2 terasa nak buat something yg dah lame xbuat...iaitu bershopping time solat i called my hubby and asked him to drop me at bangi because i wanted to go to Hajaba boutique...nak tgk2 tudung...then hubby bole smyg kat masjid bangi...mule2 xjumpe kedai tu...pastu i asked hubby to drop me kat depan area hospital an-nur tu and i will find the kedai by myself...cari2 tak jumpe...last2 pegi kat Serenity Spa (tmpt slalu i buat spa tu) & asked the staff...btw,hajaba & serenity spa are under the same management, Leesa the staff told me the direction...rupenye kat blok lain kedai hajaba tuh...dah ke arah kompleks pkns...but aku xkesah je jalan kaki...janji dpt jumpe kedai i walked about 5-10 minutes to the seberang jalan shop lot tu with my heels & baju kurung...*mcm xcaye je aku sanggup*...hehe...last2 masukla pintu kedai hajaba...
masuk2 je kat situ,terus tanye kat mane tmpt tudung...rupenye kat 1st floor...tangga dia punye la curam & berpusing2 nak aku redah jek...hehe....sampai je kat atas,terus jumpe tudung...btw,tudung yg Ekin (Mawi's wife) pakai tu, is hajaba's la...hehe...tgk byk tudung i beli la beberapa utk 'buah tangan' bawak balik umah...hehehe....
time dlm hajaba tuh,punye la ramai wanita2 yg keluar masuk...dari awal dtg, smpai la aku dah bayar, still ade lg yg dtg...laku sungguh...for me, it's a gud thing...wlpn kite menutup aurat, tp fashion tetap fashion...maybe by the emerging of this new fashion for scarf, muslim women will get interested to wear hijab...insyaAllah....skrg tudung pun dah cantik2...dulu2 kan asik fesyen tudung bawal jer...hehehe...
ok..that's all i want to share..till then.:-D...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
so tu je la setakat ni...ari sabtu ni nak bawak adik2 pi KLCC beli buku kat Kinokuniya...syoknyeee...dah lame xpi sane...semenjak busy giler ni,xde mase nak jln2...hubby pun bz ajer...huhu...esok nak pi meeting kat dewan senat...hujung bulan ni masuk Pameran Malaysia Technology Expo kat PWTC...wlpn penat,kene pegi jugakla sebab UPM dah pilih...xpela...demi karier...kena berkorbanla...hehe...:-D....
Ok...that's all...Daaaa....nak cari bende lain lak nak buat..kacau org lain pun best jugak ni...:p....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Striving for Excellence...
kat rumah ni selesa la nak buat keje sebab hubby dah ready kan tempat utk i my hubby so much...selesa la meja study yg dia bawak balik ni..bole letak tray utk documents..ade space utk letak laptop and utk tulis2..also has space to put my fav hot chocolate drink kat tepi ni..just an ideal table for me..xperlu besar2sgt...:-)...
i plan to submit my thesis pertengahan bulan that cepat sikit bole viva and settle kan masters studies ni...i want to move a step further in my career...rindu nak masuk mengajar balik...this 1 year study leave ni seems too long for me...:p...but i enjoy this study leave sebab bole melepak2 jer...bangun lmbt pun xpe...hehe...lepas dah siap tesis ni nak kene plan utk further studies lak...belum dpt bayangkn kat mane tmpt yang Allah takdirkan for usaha mesti diteruskan to get an ideal place for me to study...:-)....
petang ni nak masak awal because my hubby's friends will come over and have a dinner here in my dah tanye a few recipes from my mum and my maksu dilla...last sunday pi lunch kat umah maksu dilla kat bukit antarabangsa...and her cooking was superb!!! nogori sembilan punye masakan...sedap!!!hubby dah suruh blaja masak MASAK LEMAK CILI PADI pure from nogori sembilan from maksu...hehe...
ok..that's all for now...wanna continue wih my work...will come with new entries later...want to post some stories about my honeymoon too...hehe...
Ok...need to stop now...kalau x sume keje xsiap...Daaaa...:-)...