Salam all...this morning I had my Viva Voce...I was preparing for it for about a week I guess...I've gone thru everything that it takes to complete this...and alhamdulillah I passed the Viva with minor corrections...(^_^)v...I was so grateful...All the examiners congratulated us (my supervisor and I) for coming up with a very gud piece of work...thanks for the compliments~~~
But there are some technical corrections that need to be done in terms of the thesis writing...ada yg tersilap sikit here and there...We should write the thesis in PAST TENSE okay...but I made a slight mistake by writing up some words in my Chapter 3 (the one on the design of machine) in present tense...kihkih...what happened to me when i was writing them...entah...aku pun dah tak ingat...kuikuikui...What ever it is, I've passed the Viva...alhamdulillah...
I want to thank my supervisor, Dr.Siti Mazlina Mustapa Kamal for her support during the completion of the thesis...without her moral support, I don't think I would go this far...Thanks again for always treating me nicely...organizing a writing course for us at Royal Bintang last year..Thanks so much...We had spent time together going to spa and shopping too...:p...hehe...although sometimes I wasn't very productive, she put her trust in me that I have the capability to do it...hehe..biasala kdg2 tu ada breakdown di tengah2 perjalanan...but I'm so thankful that I have gone thru all the obstacles without falling down...Ameen...:-)...Thanks also to Dr. Farah Saleena Taip for the constructive comments and all the supports given...
Million thanks to my husband....for understanding me and giving the much needed support when I was attacked by 'nervous breakdown'...heheh...especially yesterday...practise2 nak present dgn dia...and he gave only good comments...tak mau wife lagi stress kot...hehe...Thanks for creating a very good atmosphere for me to study...hehe...preparing a study table for me...bought the air-cond to be put at our ruang tamu...hehe...lebih selesa skrg...and thanks for buying ape saje yg saye nak makan...hehehe...Thanks so much for all the love given...Love u lots B...Muaxx!!...
Thanks to my mother....who had been supporting me from the day 1 i started my masters fact from the first day I was born...Thanks so much for all the love...without your support, I wouldn't have gone this far...Thanks for always giving the moral support everytime I had a very hard time...Thanks for being a good critic...Who was always helping me in the writing aspects...Thanks so much for being my 'kamus bergerak' at home...hehehe...when I was so lazy to find a few English words in the dictionary, I can count on you mom!!...heheh...Love u lots!!!...Thanks to Abah for all the 'doa'...Without your doa, I wouldn't be where I am now...Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart...may Allah bless both of u always...
Thanks to my siblings...Syafiq, Ecah, Zahid, Sarah and family in laws for the support given...Abah, Mak, Yong, Yob, Wan and Deli...Thank you very2 much for all the love given....Thanks to my cousin Cikna and her family too...:-)...
Thanks to all my friends....for the supports given...Thanks to Zuhair sebab sanggup datang nak tengok aku present...sorry sebab tak dpt masuk yer...mmg diorg tak bagi masuk...tapi kalau Dr.Jo, dia bagi masuk...nanti ko tanye dia bila student dia nak present k...:-)...Thanks to all my friends...Thanks Siti sebab bagi cadangan supaya terus pegi heret hubby melancong kat Kuching ke...'because it's not everyday u get a masters degree'...hehe...bagus ayat ko tuh...:p...Thanks sebab memahami apa yg aku lalui...Thanks to Firah and the gang for the wish...Thanks to June...Thanks Jehan and Farah...Thanks Bernard...lepas ni bole share experience dgn ko...and Thanks to everybody!!!...Thanks so much....Muaxx!...and to Zla, actually I've done so many retail therapies for every week prior to this VIVA...tengok betapa nervousnye aku...hehehe...Thanks to u too...:-)...Also thanks to Encik Azrin and Encik Pendi yg wish gud luck dari kejauhan nun di London...hehehe...Thanks la selalu bg semangat kat geng kamu nih...hehe..
Siapa lagi aku nak thank...ok...Thanks to my examiner...Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ling Tau Chuan, Ir. Dr. Chin Nyuk Ling and Dr. Ida Idayu (my external examiner)...Thanks for the constructive comments given during the VIVA...thanks so much...Dr.Chin kate, bagus sebab dah melalui VIVA peringkat Masters...nanti bile PhD, akan lebih bersedia mentally and emotionally...hehe..Thanks Dr. Chin...yg selalu bagi kata2 motivasi and semangat...:-)...Thanks also to Mr. Chairman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Nordin...for your valuable comments too...
Thanks to everybody that I didn't mentioned here...Thanks from the bottom of my heart...It was a very long journey...nearly 2 years until the completion...Doing a postgraduate study is not an easy thing to do...U want to have a Masters Degree (Ijazah Sarjana) or PhD (Ijazah Doktor Falsafah), u must be willing to do whatever it takes to get it...U will not be able to understand the satisfaction feeling until u complete it...Kepada kawan2 yg dalam proses nak menyiapkan tesis, I wish all of u the best!!!...Gud Luck!!!...and congrats for having walked this far to obtain this precious degree...:-)...
That's all from me...Thanks so much...(mmg patut pun nama entry ni Thank You...hehe)...
Macam makin tembam je wlpn penat kan...(^_^)v...
waahh..congrats! btul2, it takes willingness to do watever it takes to obtain the degree..especially 100% focus and concentration..klu x tersadai macam track aku niha..syabas dik non..
hehe...thanks ZLa...
takpe dik the future kalau ada peluang, ko sambung Masters k...
Wish u all the best!!!...
alia..congrats..moga makin maju ok..
congrats! lps ni PHD pulak... =)
Kak Eila: Thanks for the wish kak eila...insyaAllah akan terus berusaha...:-)...
Farah: Thanks Farah...tuh la..lepas ni belajar lagi...hehe..okeh nanti jumpe bole blanje..:-D..
Tahniah.. walaupun aku tak dpt masuk bilik viva tgk ko present tp aku dpt rasa aura ko dr luar bilik.. hehehe.. enjoy your free time b4 report duty gantikan aku nanti..
Tahniah !
kak al, gue pun nak wish congrats lg kt ko
wlaupun da byk kali wish
doakan aku lak lepas ni boleh menghabiskan master dgn jayanya
'because it's not everyday u get a masters degree' this....i will reward myself a return tickets to anywhere....but in asean only...if i done everthing....
chayok bernard!!! will submit in July..jauh lagi perjalanan aku...
Zuhair: Thanks zuhair...hehe...aku tgh enjoy waktu2 rehat yg sgt berharga ni b4 report duty...huhuh...
Hooney: Thanks for the wish kak..:-)..
Firah: Thanks for the wish firah...aku doakan semua kawan2 aku yg tgh amik masters dpt abiskn master dgn jayenye...
Bernard: hehe...betul2...aku tgh planning nak gi holiday dgn hubby ni...tapi taktau lg katne...gudluck bernard...semoga berjaya...:-)..
askum... congrats to u sis.. alhamdulillah... so chill.. n finish up with ur minor corrections and be the best...
congrats..aleya! Nice tudung Purple! hihih
To Yong: Thanks Yong...alhamdulillah dah berjaya abiskan..:-)..
To Ninie: Thanks Ninie...mmg tudung purple beli kat u fav tudung tu...:-)...
Salaam kak ya
Alamak, sorry seh lambat me wish kak ya.
Alhamdulillah dh tamat. Tahniah2!
Nnt nak sambung kat ne?
Ecah n mama n smua doakan yg terbaik utk kak ya
p/s: Oh no, my sis is getting more tembam... :P
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