Thursday, May 21, 2009

Selesai Sudah....

Salam's been a very long time since last entry..ahaks...padahal baru last week jer...:p...i was so busy correcting my thesis...alhamdulillah I've submitted the thesis yesterday..hope still can catch the senate meeting in june...kalau tak, takde rezeki nak masuk list konvo tahun ni...huhu...diorang terima masuk list konvo berdasarkan nama yg ada pada senate meeting november 2008 until june 2009...kalau takde rezeki konvo tahun ni pun takpe...still dpt master degree gaks...hehe...

Siang td (Khamis pagi), I had attended an interview for international patent application...supervisor dtg lmbt siang td because she had a faculty I had to start the presentation alone...huhuh...amatla menakutkan...tapi aku buat muka slambe jer...panel asal2 nye ada 7 org..tapi atas sebab2 ramai yg bz, maka yg ada hanya 2 org...leganye rase mase tau ade 2 org jer...the 1st panel was Dato' S***** and the 2nd panel was Dr.K****i...Dr. K****i tu orang Japan...mestila diorg sgt berteknologi tinggi kan...huhu...

My explanation about the concept was short because I had a video about our machine that described the operation of the machine...sudah satu selamat di situ...okay setelah selesai video, mule la sesi soal menjawab...huhu...Dato' S was OK at first...tapi bile Dr. K tanye soalan, terus Dato' S ter'trigger' utk tanye soalan2 yg lebih kurang same mcm Dr.K...huhu...penatnye jawab...dlm hati, "Dr. Siti plz come now"...huhuhu...bile aku dah hampir hilang kata2, akhirnye Dr. Siti came for rescue...legaaa time tu...hehehe...

Soalan2 yg ditanye mestila psl merit apparatus yg kami reka ni dibandingkan dgn previous design yg terdapat di pasaran...akhirnye mereka berpuas hati dgn penerangan kami tentang mesin tu yg bersifat 3 in can grate, peel and cut fruits and vegetables...hahaha...i've explained about these 3 functions to them but they didn't seem to get it...and they kept asking the same questions..ropanya, I have forgotten to mention the 'keramat' word 3 in 1...kuikuikui...actually we must highlight what is the difference between our product and other similar products available out later in the patent document, kene include psl ni...:-)...
Ok la...I didn't prepared much for this presentation because I was told by Dr. Siti to represent her a day before the presentation (Rabu)...huhuh..mana ade mood..baru settle anta correction..otak pun serabut2 jer...hehe...but I'm feeling grateful that everything is settled now...the correction and also the patent interview....

We have filed the apparatus for patent in Malaysia last year...masih patent UPM Research Management Center asked us to try to file for international patent...jadi cuba Dato' S asked me to keep the video in the laptop at the meeting room because he wanted to show it to the panel from UK...they will evaluate the application I guess...hehehe...

OK...hajat di hati nak story psl kisah balik Penang...tapi dah termelalut psl ni pulak...weekend ni nak relax2 bole la update psl kisah balik Penang...hubby pulak ada kursus esok smpai saye akan balik umah mak di Cheras...takut dok umah sorang2...kuikuikui....

Ok, till then...I'm sleepy now...Tata...
p/s: Rase nak pegi honeymoon lagi....gambar kat bwh ni mase kat Langkawi...sampai2 je hotel, terus dpt bunga happy...(^_^)v...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah! Wah saya sungguh bangga ada kakak sehebat kakak saya ni. All the best Kak Lia. Ecah doakan Allah akan Berikan yang terbaik utk Kak Lia. Moga in the end, semua yang nikmat yg ALLah dh bagi kat kita sekeluarga, bawa kita semakin dekat dengan Allah.

Yup,truly our solat, our ibadat, our life and our death are all for Rabbul 'Alamin (cam doa Iftitah :D )

p/s: Rindu nak balik Malaysia