Which continent would it be?
Would it be Asia?
Would it be Asia?
Or Europe?
Or Australia,
Or North America (can it be?..afraid of the H1N1),
Don't think it will be South America because of the H1N1 too...
And don't think it will be Africa too....
Arctic and Antarctic are too cold...LOL...
So, which one would it be?...
May Allah show me the right path...

(pic credit to www.bugbog.com)
yeyyyy... sambung je kat UPM balik.. hehehe.. td aku br pi PENDAFTAR.. dia ckp maybe thn depan pn mcm x berapa menentu ttg scholarship kita.. so mmg diorg x proses ape lagi. kak Azi bgtau aku suruh check kat internet kot2 ade biasiswa dr universiti oversea.. so try la cr. mana tau ade rezki ko kat situ.. mudahan2 yer... Insyaallah..
ok...kisah ni mmg dari dulu dah mcm ni...tapi ramai je yg dpt gi...hehe...bergantung pada nasib kita...
tapi kita kene usaha la..hehe...nanti lepas master pun ko kene biase kan diri hadapi keadaan mcm ni..pelbagai kerenah...hehe..
tapi kita doalah supaya yg terbaik sentiasa di pihak kita...:-)..
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