The first day we arrived there, we was so shocked to see the renovation process carried out at the lobby area...gosh...really demotivated at first...then i asked whether the hotel has spa treatment there,but the manager told me this hotel was under renovation and the spa was closed...huhuhuhu...tak tercapai impian nak ke spa...but maybe this is a good sign for me to finish up my writing without any distractions...hehe...btw, the sea view was superb!!!

Me on the day of arrival...
We didn't have much activities on the 1st day...hubby went out for swimming with his colleagues and I stayed in my room watching 6 p.m., i was so starving...there was no food in the room...try to find the hotel menu but was unable to find i just waited patiently for hubby to come 7.30 p.m., hubby finished his activity and both of us got ready to have our dinner together with other colleagues at 8.30 p.m...the dinner was great...we ate at 'kedai ikan bakar'...basically it's a seafood restaurant...kami makan dengan semangatnye ikan siakap,udang dan 10 p.m. they had a briefing and i waited for my hubby at the lobby area while surfing the internet...I have met a new friend there...her name is Kak Az...she is Dr.Tuah's wife...and she just got back from liverpool...we had a nice chat that evening about life and family planning...hehe...Then, after all the staffs of the Dept.of Mechanical Eng. finished their briefing session, we all went to our room and SLEEP la...penat gile travel for 4 hours...
On the 2nd day,we had our breakfast at 7.15 a.m...Then hubby went to the seminar room and I did my own work at the resort's first i tried to eat all the foods available there...but after i felt like getting 'gemoks', then i stopped...hehe...the surrounding was so peaceful that i can concentrate on my writing...i started to write from the design construction part...extracted from my thesis...but it was not as easy as it sounds...i have changed the structure of the word so it will look different from my thesis...saje2 je seronok nak merumitkan kerja yg senang..hehe...
At 12.30 p.m., all of us had our lunch at the same cafe...after filling our stomach with lotsa delicious foods, me and hubby strolled along the beach...aziz (hubby's friend) was with us too...hehe...around 1 p.m.,we got back to our room and tido...hehe...

Me and hubby...
At 5.30 p.m., hubby wanted to play water polo with his colleagues and i followed him to the swimming pool...

Going out in the evening...
At 8.30 p.m, all of us had our special dinner together near the beach...the atmosphere was so good...and the foods were delicious too...:-)...

On the 3rd day, after having my breakfast, i continued to do my work...i decided to read the thesis draft of an undergraduate student...i love the environment at the cafe...maybe because i love the table runner...very english made my brain works twice more effective than it used to be...hehe...i'm feeling like buying one...a table runner with checked patterns might suits our dining table at home..hehe...(^_^)v...

Muke rajin...:-)..

So comfy...hehe...
Btw...the orange colour thing on the table is my 'bekal makanan'...hehe..i bought it from one of my colleague...brand: Tupperware...hehe...really comes together with 2 food containers and also a fork and a spoon...and all are in orange colour...heheheh....i have put some foods inside the containers so that i'll have something to eat during our journey back to KL...hehe...
Ok...we headed to KL at 1 p.m...and arrived safely at 5.30 p.m...alhamdulillah...this was a really enjoyable moment..i wish there will be other occasions like this in the future...
That's all for now...feeling sleepy rite now...till then....tata...
salam aleya,
can you e-mail me yor e-mail address at my mdazrin@eng mail address. nanti i will pass you my contact number. kalau datang sini insya allah pendi and i boleh tolong.
hafizal tuh yang macam cina2 duduk depan my rumah kan? orang penang tuh yer?
anyway, wahhhh nih betul punya hanimun nih! dari satu spa ke spa yang sampai ke cherating.. next is kundasang sabah ker??? orang ckp cuaca kat sana is good klau datang dengan kawan untuk mengawan (haishhhhh i bunyik macam orang pervert pulak kan??).
dont worry you look just fine to us and not yet gemok (but soon the belly will be pointing out!! jaga jaga, itu mesti eppy punya pasal).
i heard (no comfirmation though) KPT is shrinking down the scholarship to the UK. i hope if you plan to study here, do submit the borang cuti belajar and attend BTN asap. skarang banyak kerenah. nanti nak apply visa for spouse is another trouble and headache. if possible, do beranak before coming here, you will be having extra allowance. he he he.
mail me yeah. i will give you my contact number.happy hanimuning (f there is such a term) ha ha ha.
i'm here!!!!
cantiknya u pakai tudung iteww..suit u well...btw bestnya bercuti..i suka beach..
hehe...those are my tribute to u ninie...later i buat satu post name dia 'Tribute to Ninie'...sounds good kan?..hehe...
cherating punye beach mmg cantik gile...tapi sabah punye beach lagi cantik...:-)...
i agreed cik puan..nothing can be compared with borneo beach..
hihihi segan i ..buat tribute plak hihhi..tq so much aleya..really appreciate it..nice dealing with u too..
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