Salam...2 weeks ago, me, hubby, mom, Sarah and Hakim went to Tok's house in Permatang Pauh, Penang...We were so happy to get back to Penang again and see our beloved Tok....Mom, me and Hakim were born in Penang...hehe..We went there on Saturday and went back to KL on Monday...
On the first day of arrival, nothing much to be done...We went to my aunt's house in Kulim, Kedah guided by Cik Mah (Mom's youngest sister)...On the way to Kulim, mom ask Cik Mah to take us to her old school...Convent Bukit Mertajam (her primary school) and Convent Kulim (her secondary school)...We also went to her grandmother or our ancestor's house in Kulim...We just saw the house from outside only...hehe...This was where mom and all her siblings grew up when my late grandfather (Megat Hashim) pursued his studies in University of Malaya...This is the pic of the house...yg tinggal kat situ skrg ni adalah saudara jauh....
Ancestor's house
Tok is a Siamese and she was adopted by her aunt (mom's grandma) who's also a Siamese and married to an Arabian man...So, my mom is half Siamese...and me, quarter Siamese...hahaha...
On the second day, I took Sarah and Hakim to visit Penang Island...pusing satu pulau...Thanks to hubby's GPS...we didn't get lost at all...hehe...Mom wanted to bring my siblings to Feringhi beach...but to our astonishment, they weren't many people there...don't know first we planned to stop there but then we cancelled the plan...We moved further to Telok Bahang...after seeing a food stall and noticing that there were few cars stopping there, we decided to go to the beach...still there weren't so many people there...according to mom, last time, all the beaches were so crowded with people...takpelah...janji dpt pegi pantai...hehe...
Tgk pasir yg kotor tu...tumpahan minyak...patutla org tak pi dah....huhu...
Saje je posing...tak masuk pun...:p...
After that, hubby wanted to go to his old school...MRSM Balik Pulau...and again, thanks to the GPS...hubby was so happy to step his foot there once again after a few years...hehe...he was so surprised to see his class has been changed to a computer lab...kuikui...saye telah menjadi jurugambar yg setia..snapping all his pics...hehe...kasi chance la kan..:p...
Sekolah lama dia....
Kelas dia dah jadi makmal...hehehe...
After that, we went back to Seberang Perai (Tok's house)...we had our lunch at one of the stall at Bandar Perda..lauk banyak...harga pun murah...hehe...after arriving at Tok's home, Cik Mah was ready to take us to my cousin's house in Sungai Petani...but I was so tired at that my head kept thinking about my thesis that need to be corrected and finalized...wanted to submit it asap since I wanna catch the senate meeting in June as I mentioned in my previous, only mom, tok, cik mah and uncle zali went to SP...
Waktu mlm tu, kami borak2 dgn tok...umur tok dah nak dkt 80...tapi masih sihat mcm dulu...baca surat khabar...favourite tv programme, mestila berita...same mcm my late grandfather...tok cerita itu, cerita ini...sampai nak dkt pukul 2 lebih...hehe...then we off to bed...:-)...
On our last day there, mom bought our long time favourite breakfast...nasi lemak ikan bilis and ikan masin 60 sen...wuwuwu...dah lame tak mkn...all my cousins love this nasi lemak too...mak also cooked for, tok masak!!!...rindunye nak makan masakan tok...tok masak kari ikan keli...lepas tu, kami pun rehat2 tgk tv (mereka sahaja...saye menghadap laptop siapkn keje)...huhu...
We made our move at 4 pm...sebelum gerak, kami bergambar2 dulu dkt halaman umah...rindunye zaman kanak2 dulu berlari2 kat kwsn halaman umah yg agak luas gak la...
With beloved Tok..

Halaman rumah Tok...
After that, we headed to my parents in law's house in Ipoh...satu setengah jam je jauhnye..for sure nanti bile balik Ipoh, kami akan pi lawat la waktu nak berbakti kepada Tok semula...May Allah bless my Tok always...We love her so much...(^_^)v...