Walaupun tak aktif kat sini, tapi saye sentiasa aktif di Facebook...ID: Nur 'Aliaa Abd Rahman...Lotsa update there...pictures, current status etc...Tak byk masa terluang utk update blog...but I really miss to post something here...so, ini je yg mampu...hehe...
I'm following my friends' blogs too..so friends, keep updating ya...since I'll be your silent reader..:-D...
Kepada Kak Maira and Kak Kimi, teruskan produce tudung yang lawa2 and mengancam k...Aliaa kat sini sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan anda...sambil stress2 bile tudung2 yg cun dirembat org...haha...best2...masih mcm dulu...bezanye dah tak aktif membeli...huhu...
Kepada Kak Jun, teruskan buat cake and cupcake yg gorgeous k...Aliaa tak sbr nak order kat Kak Jun lg...tungguuuu...3 years from now..InsyaAllah...:-D...
Okay, itu saje la pesanan ringkas kpd semua...Till then...Daa...:-D...
Me in London...in front of London Eye...