We went to celebrate Miza, my friend's wedding...it seems that times do fly fast...last year she attended my wedding reception (on 14th of Dec 2008) and yesterday, I was attending hers...It's been a year already...I miss that moment...:-)...OK...let's reminisce the moment a little bit...hehe....
Thanks hubby (Mohd Hafizul Ismail) for all the love, support and everything...may Allah S.W.T. bless both of us always...and may both of us be together forever...aminnn...
Okay done...hehe...actually before going to Miza's wedding, we went to mum's place to send some of our belongings to be kept at her house since we're moving from our current house....Then only we went to the wedding...Oh, actually Miza's house is near my mum's house..hehe...
After the wedding, we went back to mum's place to lepak2...and after Asar prayer, we made our move to...shoppingggg...yay!...
But we didn't go to shopping complex...we went to the largest IT heaven in Malaysia...Plaza Lowyat in KL...hehe...Hubby wanted to buy himself a laptop...so he did buy one...makin canggih skrg semua laptop...dah pakai Windows 7 pulak skrg ni...sabar ajelah...time diriku ini membeli Sony Vaio bulan July lepas, masih Windows Vista...huhuh...terlalu laju teknologi bergerak...jadi janganlah kite ketinggalan...heheh...
Despite of buying the laptop, we had made our greatest buying of the year...it's been our dream to own this macho-stylo-thingy....hehehe...we had discussed about this purchasing earlier...to make sure that we won't make any mistake...
And yesterday it seemed that, we both had made our mind...for the first time...to buy something that is very new to our life...something that we will dedicate our interest on...something that is worth buying...
Introducing....our new lil handsome baby...Nikon D3000....hehehe.....

Our Nikon D3000...
We will learn how to use it together (hubby knows how to use it a little bit...hehe)...we will also try our best to capture breathtaking pics (cewahhh...bole ker?...insyaAllah..)....
We finished our shopping at around 10pm...kedai kamera tu mmg dah ready nak tutup dah time kami nak kuar...heheh...
So..there goes our day...we didn't plan for any romantic dinner or any special celebration together...but we did spent our time together (and spent our money too..haha..)...rather than going to watch a movie and even having a romantic dinner at a 5-star hotel...kuikui...
Something that is worth to be done...something that I haven't done for quite some time...something that gives me passion...SHOPPING!!!...hehe...Thanks B...:-)...
Okay friend...Till then...
i'd rather spend wedding anniversary buying stuff like a nikon d3000 than candlelit dinner. hehhehe (macam dah kawen la kan? :P)
congrats you both! oh my god, it's like the year flies so fast, dah kawen for a year dah korang!! may you both be for ever and ever and ever. Amin :)
and congrats jugak about the move to Manchester... hehehe pakai baju tebal2. january sejuk! :D
salam aleya...lama kakda tak melawat blog aleya...happy anniversary to you dan juga... selamat berangkat ke Manchester... good choice!, my dear..:)
happy anniversary alia n hubby...semoga bahagia forever n ever..
btw, if u dont mine blh tau nikon d3000 tu how much yer..i pun tgh hunting for DSLR...
Hai friends..Thanks for the comments...
Ejan: Thanks Ejan...yes2...dah beli dh satu winter coat kat ZARA...hehehe...
KakDa: Thanks Kakda..Thanks melawat blog...Thanks for the wish..:-)...
Ninie: Hai Ninie...thanks for the wish...D3000 tu aritu ade sale...rm1990...dpt free beg kamera and a few other things...yg bestnye model ni ade manual kat dlm kamera...so takyah tgk buku manual pun takpe..hehe...I ade beli tambahan microlense and wide angle...total baru rm2.6k...hehe...
congrats dear..
wah... dah ada kamera baru, boleh la join FB page utk http://dslrjourney.blogspot.com . tangkap gambar banyak2 ye...
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