Salam all...
Today is 12th of Ramadhan...this is the first Ramadhan for me as a wife...It's a very different feeling...This is the first time I need to wake up early in the morning to prepare food for sahur...and I can say that it is not really difficult..It's quite exciting...heheh...
Hubby was so helpful...he did help a lot in the food preparation...we divided all the tasks accordingly...I did the cooking...hubby helped to wash all the dishes...but for the sahur, I need to get the food ready by my own...of course la suami tido lagi..hehe...
The 1st until 3rd Ramadhan, we were at my in-laws house in Ipoh...I can't helped feeling so happy...That was the first time I met my niece Eryssa..she is darn cute...but as a baby, of course she did sleep a lot...but according to my sis-in-law, she started to wake up quite frequent Eryssa, mak lang can't wait to play with you and gelak2 with you..plz grow up fast ya...I think by 3 months old, Eryssa will start to laugh and play a lot...bole la mak lang belikan lotsa toys for you...:-)...
Eryssa and Mak Lang...
OK..beginning from the 4th of Ramadhan I prepared the sahur and berbuka...normally we just bought food from bazar Ramadhan..but we cooked the rice and prepared the drinks by ourselves...just lauk and kuih muih saje yg beli...on 8th of Ramadhan, we berbuka at my mum's house...I bought lotsa lauk yg sedap and kuih from Serdang's bazar...because I can say that the bazar at mum's place is not so up to standard as Serdang's bazar..hehe...sedih benar tgk lauk yg ade..kuikui...So, to add the happiness to my siblings, I bought all the foods they requested...puas hati saye!..I'm happy that I work in Serdang area...with lotsa foods available around...(^_^)v...
On 9th of Ramadhan, hubby asked me to cook for our berbuka...I wasn't very confident at first since I never cooked for berbuka puasa..dengan tak dpt merasa makanan, I thought it was difficult...but then I took the challenge...because challenge is exciting..isn't it? I decided to cook sup ayam berempah, sambal tumis ikan bilis and ayam goreng serai (it looks and tastes like ayam berempah)...hah, that was so brave of me...entah ape ntah rasenye nanti...but I tried my best...I followed my instinct...I started to prepare the ingredients at 3pm..and started to cook around 4pm...I finished the task by 5pm I guess...So, in the end, the outcome was not as I predicted at first...I can say that I got the talent..:p....hubby said all the foods were good...mane tak nye, I bubuh all the rempah ratus yg ada dlm sup tu...hehe...
Sup Ayam Berempah ciptaan saye...ok la for first time nak masak for berbuka...

All time favourite...Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis... I got tutorial class at 11 am...Process Control and Instrumentations...and I'm handling the laboratory for this subject too...mmg mencabar task mak sem ni...huhu...since last year dpt subjek yg 'membunuh' utk ajar tutorial...last year was Engineering Math...wuwuwu...I really hope that I can handle the tutorial for Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics or Physical Unit Operation...those were my favourite subjects...but I think next sem I will not be around bcoz I need to continue my studies...PhD or some people might call it 'Permanent Head Damage'...kahkah...
OK...that's all the babbles for today...till we meet again ya bloggers...
Happy fasting to all Muslims...