Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Makeup Tutorials...

Salam...this entry is to promote makeup tutorials by Madam Hana (my cousin)...She will be conducting 4 makeup classes this month..Each participant will be given a goodie bag which consists of an eyeshadow palette, makeup remover, sponge and many more...So, what are you waiting for??...Grab this opportunity lah...hehehe...

The eyeshadow palette that each participant will get..

So, the details are as follows:

Yuran = RM 200 seorang

Tempat : Madam Hana Studio

Tarikh : akan diumumkan secepat mungkin ( jumaat @ sabtu )

Masa :akan diumumkan secepat mungkin

Kursus Makeup : Teknik memilih bedak asas & concealer yang betul

Teknik meng-apply makeup dgn betul - step-by-step

Teknik meng-apply eyeshadow (jenis mata yang sesuai dgn cara bagaimana)

Teknik contouring (shading) yang betul

Teknik mengenal kosmetik tiruan & original (especially by MAC & Bobbi Brown)

Pengenalan kepada alat2 makeup (kegunaan..brand.. etc)

Teknik 2 cara meng-style rambut & tudung

Free : Goodie Bag !!!!(eyeshadow palette, makeup remover, sponge and many more)

Syarat-syarat : sila bawa peralatan makeup sendiri & model ( kalau nak terus tgk demo ler.. kalau tak bwk pun takpe)

Terms and Conditions applied.

To know more about the classes, please visit Madam Hana's blog...

Till then...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Me and Hubby...

Salam...ini studio pic yg sekian lama saye tunggu...hehehe...nmpk lebih matang skrg berbanding mase graduation tahun 2007...hehehe....

Hubby and me...

Selamat berpuasa semua....(^_^)v...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

No objective....

Salam...My eyes are very tired now...dari tadi menghadap laptop...nak susun references dalam software EndNote ni..I thought I could do it easily...tetapi...leceh jugak rupenye..huhu..sakit mata and pening kepala...EndNote is used as a reference manager which stores all of the references...baik journals, patents, etc..

Masa buat Masters dulu, malas nak buat bende ni..skrg baru la nak start buat...padahal supervisor dah pesan since 1st sem...ini yg dinamakan procrastination yg melampau..haha...tu yg mase susun references kat thesis, mata sampai rase, skrg ni kene jugak buat 1 reference manager supaya mata takkan berpinar lg waktu buat journals nanti...:-D...

This entry doesn't have any objective...hehe..saje2 je...

p/s: dah abis baca Twenties Girl by Sophie!!!...selepas setahun lebih tak baca chic lit, akhirnye dpt jugak ketawa bila baca buku's a good way to release my stress...terasa sedikit pulih dari temporary head damage lepas siapkan Masters...LOL...


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More pics...(^_^)v..

Salam..these are some pics from my convo file...but still, no studio pic yet..i hope will get it by this week..:-)...

Me and the BIG Mama and baby Pooh...I got the baby Pooh during my Bachelor Degree convo while the Mama Pooh for my Masters convo..both are from my beloved hubby..:-)...

With my supervisor (Dr. Siti) and co-supervisor (Dr. Farah)...Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart...:-)...

With my friends and supervisor...Thanks so much for all the support given...

With my friend Rohaiza...Thanks so much for coming....(^_^)...

With my friend Cik Firah...Thanks so much for coming....(^_^)...

I wish to thank my friends, Zuhair and Che Rod for coming on the convo day...sorry la aku dah balik awal...hehehehheheheh......

Ok...till then peeps...tata...Tak sabar nak puasa hari Sabtu ni...InsyaAllah...(^_^)v...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Convo pics....

Salam..these are the pics during the ceremony...

Wah...sopan santunnye...hehe...

Alhamdulillah...Tibe2 nampak muka Prof. Saleh kat blkg tu...The Dean of Engineering...

Kelihatan amat berisi pada waktu ini...huhu...

Ok...that's all...tunggu minggu dpn pulak for the studio pics...hehe..happy nye next week dah nak bulan Ramadhan...:-)...1st time nak berpuasa dengan suami tercinta...


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Convo...11/08/09... is my convocation day...Snapped a few pictures...Will collect the official convo pics by this week...and can't wait to collect the studio pic of hubby and me...hehehe...

I felt relax during the convo...unlike during my Bachelor Degree convo 2 years ago...excited+quite nervous...I was also excited during this second time convo...but the excitement was different...

After u get a Master Degree, u'll feel so relieve that u've finished the degree...It's not an easy task to do especially to obtain a research degree...You have to sacrifice so much...sometimes u'll be so happy when u get the desired results...but sometimes, u'll drop your precious tears...and cry your heart out over a few things that might hurt you along the's such a learning process...When u walk during the Graduands Procession, the feeling is different too...not the same as your Bachelor Degree...when you walk into the Hall, u'll feel that all your hard work and sacrifice are paid off...

I'm happy and proud of myself...In my own way...

Ini baru Masters...I heard a lot from my colleague about her PhD convo...the feeling is much much more different...of course since it's a PhD anyway...oh it's hard to define the 'different' feeling that I've been talking about...hehe...only people in my position will understand...

OK..that's all for now...ada lagi pics...tunggu dah dpt nanti bole la post kat blog...:-)...

To all the graduands and graduands-to-be, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Thanks to Firah and Rohaiza for coming during my convo...That was very thoughtful of two of you...Thanks so much for the pressie too...Muaxxxx!..

It's me on the big screen...:-)..

It's me walking after taking the scroll...hehe...

Me and the special 'thing'...:-D...

The only difference between the Masters and Bachelor Degree Academic Regalia is the 2 silver lines at each lengan jubah Masters...Bachelor Degree ada satu line saje...And muka saye juga telah meningkat dari segi kebulatan berbanding 2 tahun lepas...heheheheh...


Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Niece...Eryssa Nur Iman... is the happiest day for us...A sweet and cute baby girl was born at 1.59am on 6th of August 2009...Eryssa Nur Iman binti Mohamad Ezral is the name given...Congratulations to my sister-in-law and her husband for the delivery of this baby...

So now, I'm officially called Aunty Aliaa aka Mak Lang...hehehe...

Eryssa Nur cute...:-)...

Jadi Ramadhan and Syawal tahun ni akan menjadi lebih bermakna buat keluarga mertuaku...InsyaAllah...Tahun ni merupakan Ramadhan and Syawal pertama saya bersama suami dan keluarga mertua...dan baby Eryssa sudah pasti akan memberi seribu kegembiraan buat kami sekeluarga...

Can't wait to go to Ipoh this Ramadhan to see baby Eryssa...:-)...

Semoga Eryssa akan menjadi hamba Allah yg solehah dan berbakti kepada kedua ibubapa yg telah byk berkorban...

Semoga keluarga kami akan sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat-Nya...Amin...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Convo...Next Week!!!

UPM 33rd Convocation will be held from 8th of August until 11th of August...Master of Science graduands will receive their scroll during the 8th session i.e. the last session on 11th of August on next Tuesday...So, I'll be receiving my masters degree certificate on next Tuesday...:-)...

I'm currently thinking of what kind & colour of baju kurung and tudung to be worn...Am thinking to wear chiffon baju kurung in blue together with light blue tudung with sakura awning that I bought from Kak Maira...but need to test whether I can wear the mortar board with this kind of tudung...takut awning rosak...hehehe...

InsyaAllah tomorrow I'll take the Academic Regalia a.k.a. set jubah konvokesyen...I'm still having flu and sore throat rite now...hope will recover from it asap...:-)...

Below are the pictures during my Bachelor Degree convocation in 2007...

With Mom....

With my boyfriend (now my hubby...:p) with my parents in law...

For next week convocation, hubby will accompany me...nak amik gambar studio dgn hubby..:-D..

Berdoa diberi kesihatan yg baik supaya bole hadir ke concovocation...risau jugak dengan keadaan sekarang ni...musim demam2...

OK...that's all for now...wassalam...